
Sunday, August 18, 2013

Demystifying Development Forum

What does this all mean, and how can you get involved?
Hi All,

Does all this talk about development coming to your neighborhood make you a little nervous? Are you wondering what role the District Government and zoning play in development? Or do you just want to know how you can play an active role in guiding new development in your community?
If you need answers to these questions and more, we invite you to join us on Tuesday August 27th for a great discussion. The conversation will focus the realities of development and how to get involved in meaningful ways. We have chosen a panel of individuals with varying backgrounds to help us view development from a few different perspectives.
We will see you in the audience. Feel free to bring a friend!

Monday, August 12, 2013

Tryin to Be Sneaky with Your Liquor License Request

Art of War Concept: Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win.

The work of an Advisory Neighborhood Commission is never done. This is particularly true when it comes to monitoring liquor license request. Many vendors are aware that the best time to apply for a liquor license is in late summer.  They know that most folks go on vacation in August and chances are good that community organizations and the ANC will also be out for the month. Well low and behold, ANC 8A recently found out that Dollar Plus General located at 1429 Good Hope Rd., SE is applying for a Class A liquor license. What’s interesting is this vendor is within 400 feet of a DC Public Elementary School (Ketchem Elementary). If approved, this would make for two liquor stores within 400 feet of our kids.

Class A Includes: Beer, Wine and Spirits

There are two ways to protest a liquor license. The first, is for the ANC to vote to protest the license. The second option is for at least five (5) private citizens to file their own protest. ANC 8A will have a special meeting on Saturday August 24th, 2013 at 8:00am to vote on whether to protest a license. We will be meeting at the ANC 8A Office located at 2100 MLK Ave., SE.

However, in the case of a liquor license protest, it always best to maximize community participation in filing the protest. If would like to send in your own protest, please mail or scan your letter using the below message and send to: NOTE: You have to physically sign your letter before mailing/emailing for it to be considered.

August __, 2013

Ms. Tesha Anderson
Adjudication Assistant
Alcoholic Beverage Control Board
2000 14th St NW, Suite 400 South
Washington, DC 20009

RE:      ABRA-092680
Dollar Plus Store, 1429 Good Hope Rd., SE

Dear Ms. Anderson:

I am a resident of the Anacostia neighborhood. It has come to my attention that Dollar Plus is applying for a Class A Liquor License. Please accept this communication as my protest of this license application. My protest is based on concerns related to peace, order, quiet, litter and parking. Furthermore, I believe that it would unconscionable for ABRA to approve this application due to the fact that it would be the second such establishment operating within 400 feet of a DC Public School (Ketchem Elementary School).

I will be unable to attend the Roll-Call Hearing on September 9, 2013. I would like to designate Ms. Greta Fuller and/or Mr. Charles Wilson to attend on my behalf to represent my interest as stated in my protest letter.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Concerned Citzen