
Tuesday, July 11, 2017

My Favorite Ward 8 Houses

Art of War Concept: The general who wins the battle makes many calculations in his temple before the battle is fought.

A friend recently posted on facebook that her and her husband were looking to move to a new home for their growing family and asked her facebook friends for recommendations on neighborhoods they should consider. She said she was considering 4 neighborhoods. Unfortunately, none were listed EoTR (that's for another blog post - why do people start in Ward 8 and then move).

So I thought about some of my favorite homes in Ward 8. Not sure who lives in these, but I always admire the charm and character of each one as I drive by. Let me know your thoughts.

Let's start with my favorite neighborhood...

Anacostia Historic District

I think the front and back porches of this house are cool. Plus the nice side yard

I always liked the charm of this little home. Notice the cool shutters

One of my favorites on W St. We got to get this within the Historic District boundaries

Valley Pl. Big House + Big Yard + Cool Owner

Truly represents the beauty of Anacostia

The Bell Tower is Awesome!

Newly renovated house on W St. The side yard is dope!

Let the picture speak for itself


This is one of the coolest houses in Ward 8. Huge backyard and a whole lot of charm.

Minnesota Ave SE

Another on Minnesota

Recently renovated with a garage car port in the back

I love how this sits on the hill

The barn homes on Minnesota Ave

No need to be big to be awesome. Hacienda style

Talbert St

Hidden on Talbert

Talbert St has a couple of neat homes

The owner did a great job rebuilding her family home

Congress Heights

Off of Brothers Pl and Sterling

Guess who's house?

Congress Heights could really become a historic district in some areas

If someone renovated this home it could be cool. I dig the attic window


A lot of history in this home. Owned by one of Ward 8's Whos Who...

Charm on Alabama Ave


The Star of my favorite + Its on Xenia St (cool name)

Off of South Capitol. I think MPD uses this house as a stakeout

Bigger is not always better!

Sunday, July 9, 2017

Saturday Conversation w/ Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton

Whether it is news on Obamacare, the environment or Russia, there is plenty of drama from the White House these days. What is the impact on the District? Join us for a Saturday Conversation with Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton to chat about these topics and so much more.
Date: Saturday July 15, 2017 
Time: 12-2pm 
Where: DC Taxi Cab Bldg - 2235 Shannon Pl SE

Bring a Neighbor!

Democratically Yours,
Ward 8 Executive Committee