
Monday, October 26, 2015

Anacostia Heritage Trail Launch!

Did you miss it? This weekend, the long awaited launch of the Anacostia Heritage Trail took place at The Big Chair! After nearly eight years of hard work and consistent dedication by residents the community came together to celebrate the history of the Greater Anacostia Community as we move forward to a positive future for this special neighborhood. I've blogged about of efforts in the past. Here are some pics to share from this weekend.

Photos Credit: Nancy Shia from the Washington Informer

That is me talking about Chuck Brown's Big Chair Performance

Wanda Lockridge was featured on one of the signs from the 1980 King Parade

DDOT Director...hoping they fund the Congress Heights and Ft. Stanton Trails

Eugene Kinlow, Philip Pannell, Arrington Dixon, Me, Art Slater

Teaching our kids the history of the community

The ever-present Ron Moten taking it in

Barry Farms Protesters! I'm sure they will be on the signs 20 years from now.

John Johnson performing his poem

I like that jacket Wanda Lockridge

Philip Pannell hyping the crowd

Former Anacostia residents

Arrington Dixon providing remarks

Sam Ford as MC

Audience Members

Councilmember May addressing the crowd


Grandpa and Son

Philip and Mayor Bowser