
Monday, June 11, 2012

Ward 8 Community Summit - Pics

ART of WAR Concept: Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.    _____________________________________________________________________________

This past weekend, a couple hundred of my Ward 8 neighbors and I participated in Mayor Gray’s follow-up Ward 8 Community Summit at the Malcolm X School in Congress Heights. The goals of the summit included the following:
      1. Provide updates and receive feedback on implementation efforts since July 2011.

      2.   Share several community projects undertaken since July 2011.

3.    Present and receive feedback on five District-government Investment Opportunities for Ward 8
The facilitated conversations centered around a variety of topics such as job training, the St. E’s East Campus development, reuse of vacant properties, public art installation and improved retail in our commercial corridors. I have included several photos of the event. One thing is clear, with the recent approved budget, Mayor Gray is serious about improving the quality of life East of the River.
If you missed this one, there should be another follow-up summit in the Fall. Stay tuned for updates especially around the Big K Property.

Mayor Gray outlining his goals for the next six months

The Gateway Pavilion is supposed a major eatery on the
 St. E's East Campus

r.e.e.l. Member, Ms. Courtney Anderson and others taking it all in.

Teresa Kelly, Bruce Holmes, Ms. Chapman and Others...

Dr. Courtney Davis, author of "A is for Anacostia"
participating in the discussion.

Raymond Bell (The Hope Project) and
Catherine Buell (Chair of the Historic Preservation Review Board)

ANC Commissioner Greta Fuller

Ward 8 Staple - Jackie Ward

Mayor Gray enjoying a good laugh
My favorite city administrator, Ms. Harriet Tregoning from the
DC Office of Planning

Ms. Vera Abbott from Bellevue
 and representing the AARP

New r.e.e.l. member - Mr. Olu Burrell

ANC 8A Chair Mr. Anthony Muhammad

You ever wonder who authors the Congress Heights on the Rise Blog?
The Nikki Peele

Some of Ward 8's Finest

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